@zyg378 Hi Yangen, I recieved your email but my replied email was blocked by the Synapse system so I guess I just posted my reply here in case you can see it. I checked the conference program from the website and seems that the Bright workshop will be held on the first day of the Challenge (Mar 28th). Hope this helps. best, Shuoyu

Created by Biototem
@Biototem Hi, I was just about to submit my camera ready submission. But it seems that I have to submit two files in that link. I wonder what is the other file except for the paper... Do you think it could be the feedback to the reviewers? Moreover, the provided link to the IEEE Copyright Web Site seems to be invalid. I wonder if you have successfully completed the Copyright Form online and then download its PDF? Or can we just download a blank IEEE Copyright Form and then edit this PDF?
@Biototem OK, Thanks! I can see the figures in this link now. I'll try to find Dr. Pushpak Pati's email address. I'm new to CMT so I was worrying that there may be some common operations that I do not know.. Thanks again for your kind reply. Best wishes!
I have no idea about how to submit the revised manuscript as well, there should be some buttons under the section of "Actions". Maybe we just wait and see, since there are still a few days before the deadline for the submission of camera-ready version.
https://biomedicalimaging.org/2022/program-schedule/ @zyg378 Maybe you can check this link? I think it is different from the one provided in the email. I haven't recorded the presentation yet. 'sync' or 'CC' is just asking you to copy/forward your email to Dr. Pushpak Pati for the details about the upload. You can find his email from the challenge website or maybe the address is copied in their reply email to you.
One more thing... Do you know how to reply the reviews of our submitted papers in CMT? There is only a 'Go Back' button in the 'view reviews'.. ![fig](https://s2.loli.net/2022/03/26/bHqNhUJCtj6DX9x.png)
Message recieved. Thanks a lot for your help! I'm not clear why my email address is blocked from yours, either. By the way, if you can see the schedule figure, could you post it here? Besides, would there be some place to upload the recorded presentation once I have registered ISBI conference? I asked the hosts about this, but they said "please sync with Dr. Pushpak Pati (in CC) for the upload". I have no idea what is 'sync' or 'CC'...

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