I'm trying to get access to the RNAseq data, and as part of the application I am required to indicate which datasets I want to gain access to, from a list of datasets. However, it seems that all the datasets on that list are GWAS and and not RNAseq. Am I doing something terribly wrong? :) Thanks!

Created by Lilah Toker ltoker
Follow the link to the "online portal" and fill out the application, following the directions given on the CMC and NRGR instruction pages. Per my very 1st snapshot, CommonMind is an option on the online portal application page.
Dear @ltoker. The NRGR site and application process is handled by the NIMH. May I suggest that you contact them directly concerning use of the site. See the support tab at the top of the page here: https://www.nimhgenetics.org/available_data/commonmind/ Best, Mette
Ok.. I've been there before... What is next?
Sure. From the link Mette linked above, you click the link to the "NIMH RGR instructions for access". ${imageLink?synapseId=syn11707619&align=None&scale=60&responsive=true}       The instructions on that page direct you to the "Online portal" to submit your application. ${imageLink?synapseId=syn11707620&align=None&scale=60&responsive=true}
Hi Solveig - could you please guide me how to get to the page where you took the snapshot? Because I can't find how to get there. Thanks
See this snapshot (right side of list): ${imageLink?synapseId=syn11707195&align=None&scale=100&responsive=true}
Hi Lilah- It looks like it shows up just fine if you follow the instructions linked from the wiki page. Specifically, once you log in and begin making your request, CommonMind is listed. Solly
Is this the link you are using: https://www.nimhgenetics.org/available_data/commonmind/
No, it is not showing up :) That is why I was asking about it. Do you know who can I talk to to clarify this? Thanks..
@Mette, it looks like it's not showing up in the list of available studies, but perhaps that's different when you log in? I don't have an NRGR account.
Yes, click on that link and you will be taken to a page with the CMC data distribution. Follow those instructions for data access
Well.. this is listed under the instructions for data access through Synapse: "4. Follow the NRGR instructions for data access" That is why I am confused..
I'm unsure if the CMC data is listed on that page since the data is not distributed through NRGR, but through Synapse. NRGR only controls the data access by functioning as a data access committee. Please see here for information about how to gain access: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn2759792/wiki/197282 Also, see the subpages under CMC data for information about the cohorts, the samples and assays: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn2759792/wiki/71104
Mette - I am aware of that, but I cannot find the study among the list of studies provided by the NIMH RGR poral - https://www.nimhgenetics.org/available_data/studies_by_distribution.php.
Lilah- This study contains both genotyping and RNA-seq data on the same individuals. You do not need separate permission for each portion, however if you want access to the data (rather than the summary statistics), you do need to go through the data access request.
Hi Mette, thanks for your reply! I found the data page, but in order to be able to download it, I need to gain access to it, and the instructions bring me again to the list of GWAS studies. Can I just indicate syn3275214 as the dataset I'm interested in?
Hi Lilah, the RNAseq data available on the CMC study can be found here: syn3275214

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