Hi, My Synapse ID is jml.synapse.id My application for commonmind data set was approved by NIMH RGR (request ID: 5b2979f9d79d1 ). Also, my account (jml.synapse.id) has been verified but soon after the Synpase requested to apply again. See below. "As part of your application to the NIMH Repository and Genomics Resources (NRGR) for access to the CommonMind data, you must include the following Synapse data access token with the application documents: https://www.nimhgenetics.org/available_data/commonmind." I tried to download data but download page has yellow "Show unmet conditions". If I click the yellow button, the following shows, which looks like general guideline. Can you take a look and let me know how to go over? Thanks. Access to the data requires that you are a registered Synapse user and fulfill the following requirements: Use of CommonMind Controlled Access data is governed by the NIMH Repository and Genomics Resources. Please see instructions on the Data Terms of Use page for how to request access For more information on use conditions, please read theConditions for using Human Data in Synapse.If you think this data is posted inappropriately or should have different access conditions, please alert the Synapse Access and Compliance Team (ACT) to discuss at act@sagebase.org Access Requirements Fulfilled: You have access to these data under the following terms: Before downloading the CommonMind data we ask that you agree to include the following acknowledgement statement in publications: Data were generated as part of the CommonMind Consortium supported by funding from Takeda Pharmaceuticals Company Limited, F. Hoffman-La Roche Ltd and NIH grants R01MH085542, R01MH093725, P50MH066392, P50MH080405, R01MH097276, RO1-MH-075916, P50M096891, P50MH084053S1, R37MH057881 and R37MH057881S1, HHSN271201300031C, AG02219, AG05138 and MH06692. Brain tissue for the study was obtained from the following brain bank collections: the Mount Sinai NIH Brain and Tissue Repository, the University of Pennsylvania Alzheimer?s Disease Core Center, the University of Pittsburgh NeuroBioBank and Brain and Tissue Repositories and the NIMH Human Brain Collection Core. CMC Leadership: Pamela Sklar, Joseph Buxbaum (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai), Bernie Devlin, David Lewis (University of Pittsburgh), Raquel Gur, Chang-Gyu Hahn (University of Pennsylvania), Keisuke Hirai, Hiroyoshi Toyoshiba (Takeda Pharmaceuticals Company Limited), Enrico Domenici, Laurent Essioux (F. Hoffman-La Roche Ltd), Lara Mangravite, Mette Peters (Sage Bionetworks), Thomas Lehner, Barbara Lipska (NIMH).

Created by Jong-Min Lee jml.synapse.id
Hi, Mette, I think your request may partially explains why. NRGR sent the original token some time ago. I applied to NRGR with the original toekn and it was approved. However, they sent another key when they request to apply to Synapse abouut two weeks ago. So, I will send my key to you at noreply@synapse.org. If this email address does not work let me know. Thanks. jon
On our end it shows that you do not have access. Can you contact NRGR and ask them to resend the Synapse token that was sent with your application. If you need to be reissued a token please let me know

The system requsts to apply again although it is already approved. page is loading…