Hi I am currently applying for the RNA-seq datasets (syn4923029 and syn18103876). The Request ID is 5cc32c00595fa (Apr 26, 2019). However, I still don't have any reply. Please let me know when I can receive the reply. Sincerely Zhiqian

Created by Zhiqian Yu yuzhiqian
Thank you for your reply.
The normalization method is described in the manuscript ( [Gene Expression Elucidates Functional Impact of Polygenic Risk for Schizophrenia](http://www.readcube.com/articles/10.1038/nn.4399?shared_access_token=uBiI3bnVXjkFC3BdgVBv49RgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0NURjjVNP8LYNi19w9DLed4Vr5Eu0VxP-)), also see Normalization of Gene Expression and Adjustment for Covariates for that manuscript here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn2759792/wiki/205818
The original ID is syn2759798, but including other data. The ID that directly connects to the data is syn5609518.
Can you please post the Synapse ID of the file
Hi I had successfully downloaded the ?CMC_MSSM-Penn-Pitt_DLPFC_mRNA_IlluminaHiSeq2500_isoform-adjustedNoSVA-dataNormalization-includeAncestry-adjustedLogCPM.tsv? dataset. I think that is RNA-seq gene expression data, whereas so many minus values in the dataset. Could you tell me what the normalization method the author used before they uploaded data? Or should I ask the author directly? Sincerely Yu
I'm sorry that I can't give you an answer to this. Data access requests are handled by the NIMH, independently of the data repository. We do not have control over their data access committee. I unfortunately can't give you any other recommendation then contacting them through the NRGR help forum (https://www.nimhgenetics.org/help/overview). Make sure you make it clear which distribution you are waiting for access to (https://www.nimhgenetics.org/resources/commonmind) and your application number.
Hi I updated the required apprication information on May 28 (Request ID: 5cc32c00595fa). I also sent Email to NIMH Repository Support Team on June 11. but still don't have a reply. How long should I wait for a response ? Best regards, Yu
Thank you very much
You do not need to specify which files you want to download. Once NRGR approves your application you have access to all data in the portal, including data that will be provided in upcoming data releases. Best, Mette
Thanks for the reply. I created a new text file "CMC_SynapseToken_PIname(last.first)_MMDDYY" and submitted the file as part of the NRGR application. The ?syn4923029? and ?syn18103876? could not be added to the "Download List", which containing a large amount files along with different Synapse ID. I only created the "CMC_SynapseToken_PIname" text file, but did not add each file to the "Download List". If I need to do something else, please let me know.
HI @yuzhiqian - data access approval is done through the NIMH Repository and Genomics Resources (NRGR). We do not show you as having requested a Synapse data access token. This token needs to be submitted with your NRGR application. Please see here for instruction: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn2759792/wiki/197282

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