Is a Synapse Token for PsychENCODE is also valid for CommonMind? I got only one token for PsychENCODE. I could not find another one, neither in my spam box.

Created by Assif Yitzhaky assify
@Mette it did arrive! Thank you for the response.
@mydennis it can take up to 24 hours to receive the token. It is showing on our end that it was sent. Can you please confirm if you received it
I am in a similar boat as above. I have requested a token but cannot seem to find it anywhere. I had no problem receiving a token for my PsychENCODE request via synapse. @assify did you ever find the token? Did this get resolved?
The option "Allow Synapse to send me email notifications" is checked, and I got some time ago a token for PsychENCODE, but not a token for CommonMind. Can you please send me again a token for CommonMind?
Please check your profile settings to make sure it is set to allow emails through Synapse
But I did not get a token for CommonMind. It is neither in my spam box. How can I request another token for CommonMind? It says "Your request for a Synapse Token has been sent."
They are separate data access applications - see instructions here for CommonMind:!Synapse:syn2759792/wiki/197282

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