Hi there, I have a question on the eQTL results under the Synapse ID of syn4622659 under the upper level synID folder of syn2759792. According to the paper "Gene expression elucidates functional impact of polygenic risk for schizophrenia. Nature neuroscience. 2016 Nov;19(11):1442". We find that the disease status specific eQTL analysis has already done in this paper according to the description "Additionally, eQTL were generated separately in SCZ cases and controls, and the combination of those samples (excluding AFF cases)?. However, we can only find the eQTL results for combined samples under syn4622659 but can't find the separate eQTL results for cases and controls. I am wondering whether you have the separate eQTL results for cases and controls. Can you post under eQTL folder? Thanks? Jia

Created by Yun Li yunli
I'll work on getting those ready for release.
Hi, I also want to have the separate eQTL results for cases and controls, would you mind to let me know where I can get them. Thanks. Best, Ruifeng
@sieberts Hi, Thanks for taking care! Can I have separate cis eQTL results with or without SVA for cases and controls? Can you give an estimate of the timeline of the post date? We are really eager to see them. Thanks. Cheers, Jia
Jia- I can work on getting these posted, but it won't happen immediately. Which subset do you want SVA or non-SVA adjusted and cis or trans?

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