Dear all, I was wondering if there's any information regarding what the data was QCd for in the repository syn18358492 - that's the CMC human samples, Release 3. For example, I may be doing something silly, but I can't find X/Y/MT chromosomes in one of the vcf files (HBCC_5Mv4_genotypes_b37_hg38_include.vcf.gz), even though the VCF header says it should be there - from the header: "##contig="

Created by Rodrigo Duarte rodrigo.duarte
Oh, sorry, I just found it. Hoffman, G.E., Bendl, J., Voloudakis, G. et al. CommonMind Consortium provides transcriptomic and epigenomic data for Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder. Sci Data 6, 180 (2019).
Hi @Mette, Has there been any publication with the CMC Release 3 samples yet? I could not find one to look for the methods (where were the samples prepared, sequenced, etc.?).
Thanks, that's really helpful!
A new version of these files fixing the issue have been uploaded: syn18358492
@rodrigo.duarte - thanks for the heads up. We are looking into the issue

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