I have application to NIMH for access to CommonMind dataset. there was a delay in submitting materials and has been hold up with covid 19 such that application has not been reviewed and now outside 8 month from token issue 9/23/19. Dear Jonathan Covault: As part of your application to the NIMH Repository and Genomics Resources (NRGR) for access to the CommonMind data, you must include the following Synapse data access token with the application documents: https://www.nimhgenetics.org/available_data/commonmind. =============== SYNAPSE LINK TOKEN BOUNDARY =============== |CommonMind|3333466|3324934|3345489|1590340391745|1569280048255|ZaEh/E4XUWYxZoUx2IgUGdkhG0o=| =============== SYNAPSE LINK TOKEN BOUNDARY =============== thanks Jonathan Covault PI

Created by Jonathan Covault jocovault

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