I submitted request 6/2/20 for re-issue of token and have not heard back. I recently recieved approval via NIMH genomics for access to CMC files but apparently my (and my graduate student's) token's have expired and we need new tokens. Thank you! Jonathan Covault (jocovault@uchc.edu) CMC_SynapseToken_Covault_Jonathan_09.24.2019 Token for Jonathan Covault ? PI |CommonMind|3333466|3324934|3345489|1590340391745|1569280048255|ZaEh/E4XUWYxZoUx2IgUGdkhG0o Token for Alexandra Goetjen ? graduate student |CommonMind|3348347|3324934|3345489|1590105220559|1569107142156|7bfxvvPVTWvoqqOUJB2vYSdHOX4

Created by Jonathan Covault jocovault
Can you please re-issue tokens for CommonMind and PsychEnchode for me please? My email is rebecca.l.weiner@vanderbilt.edu. Thank you.
@Mette Yes, thank you for the clarification. We will submit individual requests.
I want to make sure I understand. Is the question if you can request tokens for a team of people? The answer to that is no, each individual must request the toke. The tokens are associated with individual accounts, not teams. Best, Mette
Hi @Mette I am in process of preparing the requested zip for submitting a data access (CommoonMind and PsychENCODE) request for the lab. Would it be possible to submit a combined token reset request with email id's associated with Synapse account? @timothyjhohman @ldumitrescu @mseto28 @arched1 @emahoney @rebecca.l.weiner @jorge_bahena
@drsulab our system shows that you were issued a CMC token on 2/24. Can you please let me know if you have still not received it
Thanks, but for your information: I tried to apply an token for Commonmind datasets, and reached to the page, which said Obtain a Synapse data access token by clicking the button below. This will generate an email with the token, which you can expect to receive within a day. But I did not see a clickable button to make the request. Instead, I saw the following message: "Your request for a Synapse Token will be sent". But after a few days, I still have not received the token. I think the system might have a problem for the CommomMind datasets, as I was able to generate a token for the PsychENCODE datasets, because I saw a clickable button to make the request. I saw some people here had the same problem. Thanks again.
@drsulab the token has been re-issued. Note that it can take up to 24 hrs for the system to send it. If you do not receive it within that timeframe please check your spam filter
Can you reissue an token for Commonmind dataset for me at zcsu@uncc.edu? Thanks.
I just received new Token - thanks
My request for re-issued token is immediately below this post in the discussion board. "request reissue expired token" as I was following advice on page you reference above "Please note that the Synapse token expires after 8 months. Contact us on the Discussion forum to reissue a new token" I will try using the "request token" link instead. jon
The token requested on 6/2/2020 for Alexandra Goetjen has been re-issued. The last token request I see for jocovault is from 9/23/2019. That one has expired and can not be reissued. You should be able to request a new token by going here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn2759792/wiki/197282
I will regenerated the token you requested on 6/2 for you. Please be aware that it can take up to 24 hours before system sends the tokens

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