Dear @SARRARP502022participants, We would like to inform you that the second batch of training data (training_set_2) has been released on synapse (!Synapse:syn31997652). Training_set_2 provides 28 videos that come with segmentation at 1Hz and action recognition labels in both continuous and 10Hz format. We have also made various corrections to the training_set_1 videos and therefore we recommend downloading a new copy of training_set_1. If you have questions, please feel free to open a new thread in the SAR-RARP50 discussion forum (!Synapse:syn27618412/discussion/default). Alternatively, send us an email to ( and make sure to include the tag [RARP50] in your email's subject. Best regards, The SAR-RARP50 administration team P.S @SARRARP502022preregistrants that wish to get access to the SAR-RARP50 dataset but haven't sent us a signed registration form yet, please complete the registration procedure.

Created by Dimitrios Psychogyios dimitrisps

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