Dear @SARRARP502022participants, We would like to give you an update regarding the following: 1) We are excited to inform you that the test set is now available to download under the [test_set directory](!Synapse:syn34532810) of the challenge's files. The test set contains the data that will be used to rank your methods and therefore we are not publishing reference labels before the challenge day. Similar to the training sets, we have uploaded videos which you will need to sample at a rate of 10Hz using our provided script. 2) We have also released the evaluation code, which implements the protocol described on our [wiki page](!Synapse:syn27618412/wiki/617968). Please refer to [this page](!Synapse:syn27618412/wiki/618483) for details on how to get and use the code. As a kind reminder segmentation is going to be evaluated for frames sampled at 1Hz, while action recognition is going to be evaluated for video frames sampled at 10Hz. 3) Finally, we have updated our wiki pages with information on [how to submit](!Synapse:syn27618412/wiki/618581). To help you with the submission, we have also written guides on [how to prepare your write-up](!Synapse:syn27618412/wiki/618502) and [how to create a simple docker image](!Synapse:syn27618412/wiki/618580). In the following days, we are going to reach you again with information regarding prizes for the top-performing submissions. Good luck, The SAR-RARP50 administration team P.S. For @SARRARP502022preregistrants who wish to participate, please send us a signed registration form and become fully registered until the submission deadline. Becoming fully registered is required to get access to the SAR-RARP50 dataset and participate in the challenge.

Created by Dimitrios Psychogyios dimitrisps

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