Hello @CoBi , I think this should be a question for the corresponding author of ANMerge. Our groups is trying to study the metabolomics data in this cohort. We saw that you published both MS and NMR data on Synapse and we would like to utilize both data for a comprison analysis and modeling. However, we can't find any information of the metabolomics data in the original ANMerge paper, or any related publications about the experimental details of it. Plus that the data uploaded to Synapse seems to be levels in peaks, which still needs to be combined and annotated to metabolites for further analysis. So I'd like to check with you whether your group has annotated metabolomics data available. Or is there any publications regarding the experimental information of the metabolomics data? We might be able to annotate the data ourselves with the help from our collaborator, but without any information of the samples and experiment procedures, we still can't perform the annotation. Could you please provide us with any updates on the metabolomics data? Hope to hear from you soon! Thanks, Danni

Created by Danni Liu danniliu222
Hi Danni, thanks for reaching out. The metabolomics data were added after I had already created ANMerge. Unfortunately, I was not involved in the data generation or processing and don't know the details of it. The metabolomics partners just sent me the files I uploaded here. I would point you to the right person to speak to but since I changed affiliations in the meantime, I don't have access to my old emails and forgot who sent me the data back in the day. Your best bet is probably to contact the authors of this paper: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33422142/ and see if they can help you. Sorry, I can't be of more help. Fingers crossed you get a helpful response from them! Best, Colin

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