Hello, I have downloaded the updated_proteomics_mapping.csv and the ANMErge_proteomics_under_90.csv and noticed an issue when linking these files. In the proteomics_under_90 file the protein identifiers are UniProt IDs. When linking the UniProt IDs from that file to the protein mapping file, the proteins do not map exactly. For example, the protein mapping file includes the below information for complement component 3: Target Public Name UniProt C3 C3 P01024 C3a C3a P01024 C3adesArg C3adesArg P01024 C3b C3b P01024 C3d C3d P01024 iC3b iC3b P01024 The column names corresponding to protein measurements in the proteomics_under_90 file are as follows: P01024, P01024.1, P01024.2, P01024.3, P01024.4, P01024.5, P01024.6 As a result, it is difficult to determine exactly which identifier corresponds to which protein. Is it possible to obtain a protein mapping file with SomaLogic sequence IDs? This would enable a direct link to exactly which protein is being measured and would enable direct comparison to other SomaScan datasets. Thank you!

Created by Lindsey Kuchenbecker lkuchenbecker

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