Hi, I am trying to relate the different types of data provided in this study - genetics (syn2795014) , proteomics (syn5367752)... But the individual IDs provided between the proteomics and genetics datasets are not totally consistent: only ~300 out of 600 individuals have IDs that are shared. For instance, N~40 proteomics IDs appear as "DCR0xxx" and N~250 as "OA0xxx" while no individual ID from the genetics dataset looks like this. I was not able to find a Master table in which all types of individual IDs for the different types of data are mapped. Would you have such a document - it would be very helpful. Thanks lot! Herve Rhinn

Created by Herve RHINN hr_alector
According to the data provider "The proteomics data that has been uploaded is not solely AddNeuroMed. In these files there is proteomics data from DCR (DCR ID?s) and ART (OA ID?s) cohorts. Therefore the clinical data for these non-AddNeuroMed ID?s will not be available within the AddNeuroMed synapse page.". I am following up to find out if this clinical data is available elsewhere. This is the file with the [basic variables](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4984917) on the study, with more information in the clinical subfolders: syn3796525
Hi Mette, Any update on this? Best, Herve
Hi Herve, We are looking into this. Will let you know once resolved

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