Hi, In relation to the European General Data Protection Regulation; GDPR (EU/2016/679). Is the data in AddNeuroMed, "fully anonymised" and not just "de-identified" or "pseudonymized" as defined in the European GDPR (EU/2016/679)? Many thanks, Noel Faux

Created by Noel Faux noel.faux
Hi Mette, Many thanks for the detailed reply. Many thanks, Noel Faux
We believe the AddNeuroMed data is compliant with the GDPR. AddNeuroMed has full ethical approval, consent from each participant and the samples and data were pseuodymised at the source. The data is hosted on Synapse as part of the NIH AMP-AD community portal in accordance with the AddNeuroMed information Governance and Access approval process. There is no look-up table and no reasonable means to identify individuals
Hi Mette, Thanks for the response, and clarity around the AddNeuroMed in relation to EU-GDRP. Following on from this, is there a document/info indicating that AddNeuroMed and SageBionetworks are compliant with EU-GDRP? Many thanks, Noel Faux
Hi Noel, The data is treated as pseudonymised within the meaning of the directive. However, it is in effect anonymised as there is no look-up table and no reasonable means to identify individuals Best, Mette

Is the AddNeuroMed data "fully anonymised" and not just "de-identified" or "pseudonymized" page is loading…