####See the updated AddNeor0Med study - termed [ANMerge](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn22252881)

Created by Mette Peters Mette
Hi @CoBi and @Mette , Wish you a Happy New Year! Is there any update on availability of un-imputed raw data for ANMerge study (syn2795014, and syn22130010)? Thank you! Best regards,
Hi @CoBi, That's exciting news! thank you for following up on this request. We appreciate your help. Best regards,
Hi @janveva1, I'm on it. Sorry for the delay. Sometimes it takes time to coordinate with data owners and convince them to go for further data transfers. I hope it will be done soon. Best!
Hi @CoBi Did you get an update on availability of un-imputed data? Thank you so much! Best regards,
Hi @CoBi Yes, please do look into obtaining un-imputed data. It would allow us to use the data as addressing the difference in processing pipelines is quite challenging even when possible. Thank you so much! Best regards,
Hi @janveva1 for gene expression there is only the data available that is linked in the repository. Wrt to the un-imputed data, I myself don't have it but may be able to acquire it. best
Hi @Mette and @CoBi any updates on this request?
@CoBi can you please take a look at the question above
Hi @Mette , Would it be possible to reach out to the study coordinators for un-imputed data with X-chromosome (and expression ) from ANMerge? Sincerely, Vaibhav

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