Dear @Mette and @CoBi , to our knowledge we have access to complete ANMerge genotype dataset. However, I am unable to locate the raw genotypes of all the study individuals and missing information on 300+ individuals. ( Batch 1: Individuals: 329 Batch 2: Individuals: 315 total ( Batch1 + Batch2 ): 644 Imputed: Individuals: 992 missing individuals: 992-644=348 )

Created by vaibhav janve janveva1
@janveva1 there will not be any additional content made available for this study.
Hi @CoBi and @Mette, Is there any progress on the availability of raw Genotype data (syn2795014, and syn22130010)? . Thank you! Best regards, @janveva1
Hi @Mette Thank you for looking into this. We appreciate it. (syn2795014, and syn22130010) Best regards, @janveva1
@janveva1 I have followed up with Colin, but he is out until the beginning of March. It may be that this data is not available. I will give you an update
Hi @CoBi and @Mette, Is there any progress on the availability of raw Genotype data (syn2795014, and syn22130010)? . Thank you! Best regards, Vaibhav
Hi @CoBi and @Mette , Just wanted to check if there were any updates on the availability. Thank you! Best regards, Vaibhav
Hi @janveva1 unfortunately not until now. I just sent another reminder to the data providers to give me the unimputed data. I hope I'll get it soon and can upload it. best!
Hi @CoBi and @Mette , Thank you for the confirmation and feedback. We look forward to the availability of raw Genotype. Please let us know of any further requirements to access this data. (syn2795014, and syn22130010) Best regards,
Hi @janveva1 the raw data you found is deprecated, as it is old and does not include all of the participants. The imputed data you are referring to here was created at a later stage and, as you have recognized, involved more participants that were previously unassessed. best regards!
@Mette @CoBi if you would, please help me understand the discrepancy. Thank you!

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