Is it possible to access the MRI data from ANMerge in NIFTI or DICOM format through Synapse portal?

Created by Elizabeth Mamourian mamourie
@jsteiglechner do you know if there is a plan to complete the MRI data release according to the numbers mention in the publication "ANMerge: a comprehensive and accessible Alzheimer?s disease patient-level dataset."?
Is there any plan to release the extended MRI dataset mentioned in publication?
in the paper `Birkenbihl, Colin, et al. "ANMerge: a comprehensive and accessible Alzheimer?s disease patient-level dataset." Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 79.1 (2021): 423-431.`, they mentioned that there are N= 453 subjects with MRI. Are there plans to release the complete set of MRI to Synapse?
Are you looking for this!Synapse:syn2795021?
Please does anyone have any information about accessing imaging data for ANMerge?

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