I would like to verify my results, but there is no sim3*_filtered.bedpe file in any of the downloads. What gives?

Created by Jeltje van Baren jeltje
File names for the fusion truth files has been fixed. Files can be downloaded using the `dream_runner.py` script or using `gsutil cp gs://dream-smc-rna/training/*_filtered.bedpe .`.
Thank you for catching that. The name change wasn't intended, and breaks compatibility with the dream_runner utility script, so we'll be fixing the file names.
Thanks! I found them - didn't know about using gsutil directly.
I downloaded them as follows: gsutil cp gs://dream-smc-rna/training/sim3[1-9]*bedpe. the formatting above removed my wildcard. I am running 31,32,33,34,36.
Jeff, how did you get truth bedpe files? My downloads only contained a `isoforms_truth.txt` file but that was not in bedpe format. If you really are using sim3, that's a deprecated data file. The latest set is numbered sim32 and up.
I also ran into this problem and had to rename the files from sim3*.bedpe to sim3*_filtered.bedpe to get it working locally. If we could please get the moderators to rename the files on the bucket to get this feature working. I also believe the truth bedpe files are incorrect but I will address that in a separate thread.

sim3* datasets have no truth bedpe files page is loading…