For our final submissions, we can set a parameter for our programs to run with a certain number of threads. The user generally sets this depending on the number of cores available on the computer. Are you able to tell us what that would be for your system? I can guess at a value, but setting the right number of threads will help the programs run more efficiently, and therefore benefit you as contest organizers.
Created by genomehacker In general, the isoform entires are requiring more resources than the n1-standard-4, so it is likely we will switch to using the n1-standard-16 for the isoform entires as well. Also note that `coresMin` or `coresMax` can be specified in the cwl tool definition. For example:
- class: InlineJavascriptRequirement
- class: ResourceRequirement
coresMin: 8
ramMin: 60000
Thanks for the info. If we wanted an isoform entry to be run instead on a 16-CPU machine, would you able to do that?
Hi @genomehacker, isoform entries are typically run with n1-standard-4 (4 vCPUs, 15GB memory) and fusions with n1-standard-16 (16 vCPUs, 60GB memory), unless additional memory is needed.