Hey- I went to submit my latest cwl and see some strange output. I do see the packed cwl in syn9789335. Please let me know if you do not receive. My Command: ``` python SMC-RNA-Challenge/script/smc_rna_submit.py submit STARSEQRv060_merged.cwl fusion ``` Output contains errors stating client not found: ``` Your workflow passed validation! ###SUBMITTING MERGED WORKFLOW: /opt/tools/submission_files/STARSEQRv060_merged_1494629832_merged.cwl### No projectId is specified, a project is being created View your project here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn9789335 ################################################## Uploading file to Synapse storage ################################################## Uploading [####################]100.00% 8.0kB/8.0kB (25.5kB/s) STARSEQRv060_merged_1494629832_merged.cwl Done... 404 Client Error: Not Found Apache Tomcat/7.0.69 - Error report

HTTP Status 404 -

type Status report


description The requested resource is not available.

Apache Tomcat/7.0.69

Administrator access granted to challenge admins ```Created by Jeff Jasper jasper1918
Dear @jasper1918 Could you perhaps run the script again? I thought it submitted, but it didn't. I was able to run the script on my end without any issues. Best, Tom
Dear Jeff, I'm not entirely sure why there is that error, but it seems to have uploaded the CWL file to your project. Best, Tom

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