We have tried to submit a new run using the command line interface (under team bioturing-rna-team).
We used command: python ./smc_rna_submit.py submit --teamName bioturing-rna-team ../../mermaid/cwl/smcFusion-mermaid-workflow.cwl fusion
However, we received message "Team 'bioturing-rna-team' has already submitted the full quota of submissions".
How can we correctly submit to the 'community phase'?
Created by Thao Truong Ginny Dear Sebastian,
Apologies for the inconvenience. Please submit again.
Tom Hi Thomas,
Sorry I have to bother you again. I got an e-mail last night that the validation failed. The error message is just 'status' (including the single quotes). Should I resubmit or can you fix this?
Sebastian Dear Sebastian,
Sure thing. I reset that submissions to "RECEIVED" status and it will run automatically when the system is set to run the validation. Thanks for your patience.
Tom Hi Thomas,
I can confirm the validation was successful now. I submitted two algorithms. Can you kindly also fix the other one (submission ID: 9662548)?
Many thanks,
Sebastian Dear Sebastian,
Apologies for the delay. We have fixed the issue and your workflow should be validated now.
Tom Dear Thomas & Kyle,
Any update on this?
Sebastian Dear Sebastian,
Ahh.. My apologies, this is a CGC workflow. I defer the question to @kellrott. Do we need to renew the `smc-rna-admin` token?
Tom Hi Tom,
Thanks for looking into this. Here is the full mail:
Hello uhrigs,
Sorry, but we were unable to validate your submission to the SMC-RNA-Challenge evaluation queue- Challenge 2-Fusions.
Please refer to the challenge instructions which can be found at https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn2813589/wiki/70850 and to the error message below:
submission name: uhrigs-smc-rna-fusion-challenge-community-sensitive-all-2018-03-05-15-04
submission ID: 9662549
You must share your cgc workflow with 'smc-rna-admin'
If you have questions, please ask on the forums at https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn2813589/discussion/default.
the scoring script
> Could you share the workflow with me, thomas.yu
I cannot find this user on the Seven Bridges Cloud. Can you please double-check, whether this is the correct name?
Sebastian Dear Sebastian,
Could you share the workflow with me, thomas.yu, and also post the validation error email. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Tom Dear Kyle & Thomas,
I submitted a workflow for the community phase via CGC, but I got a "validation error". It tells me to share the workflow on CGC with the user "smc-rna-admin", but I have already done this (as well as with the user "kellrott"). I have submitted workflows previously in the same manner with success, so I am clueless why it does not work anymore. Can you kindly check? The submission IDs are 9662548 and 9662549.
Sebastian Dear Thao,
There is no longer a limit set on the queues. Please feel free to submit.
Tom I think for this case, we don't want to use the revoke mechanism. This is a submission for the community phase, they still have their entry for the official phase, and we need to track that, as its part of the scored leaderboard. The community phase entry shouldn't invalidate it. Dear Thao,
Apologies for the delay in response. There is a revoke submission system put in place so that you can invalidate your old submissions: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn2813589/wiki/401454
Tom Sorry for the delay in reply.
Can you try to create another team and use it submit?
@thomas.yu do you know about the quota issue?
Drop files to upload
Cannot submit to 'community phase' page is loading…