Dear Admin,
We submitted our workflow 2 days ago, got the confirmation email, but never get the "result" email. Could you please check?
BioTuring team.
Created by BioTuring bioturing Unfortunately because of the scale of compute we can't do a live leaderboard on all possible submissions. Leaderboards will be calculated in batches after the submission end date. The calculations will be done on the next set of simulated tumors (except the final round when real tumors are incorporated). The results will then be posted to the website and a portion of the simulated tumors will be released to augment the training data.
Dear BioTuring team,
Apologies, but we are unsure of the leaderboard situation yet. We will keep you posted.
Thomas Thank you, Thomas!
We were able to run But it will be great to see our colleagues' scores as well, as it will create motivation to improve our algorithms. Do you know when we can have the first scoreboard available?
Thanks. Dear BioTuring team,
I actually have received your submissions. We have not scored any submissions just yet. You can use `` and follow the instructions on `Running the training benchmark checker` [here](#!Synapse:syn2813589/wiki/401462) to run the output of your tools against the evaluator. Please kindly let me know if this is confusing.
Thomas Hi Thomas,
We use the command line submission below:
./ submit --teamName bioturing-rna-team ../../SMC-RNA-Examples/workflow/smcIsoform-Hera-workflow.cwl isoform
We indeed see the submissions that we submitted in the web form.
Please see the screenshot here:
Every time we submit, we receive a google form (DREAM-SMC-RNA Quiz) to fill in.
But we never get back the results !
Thank you very much for your help, Thomas!
Thank you!!! Dear BioTuring team,
Apologies for the delay. I actually don't see a submission from you. May I ask how you submitted?