First off, this competition is a great idea to spur development & innovation in the field. Kudos to the organizers! Before the data is released and the challenge begins, it would be great to know the data format & data types. I am guessing that each sample will be a vector of read counts where each element is the number of mRNA reads found in each bin. Can you specify the number of bins and the fluorescence boundaries associated with each bin? Are there corresponding read counts for DNA-Seq reads? I'm sure I could dig into your papers to obtain this information, but it would be great to summarize the information here for all competition participants. Thanks!

Created by H S Szrack
We are going to update the website soon with all the information. Please join the webinar (invites sent to pre-registrants and details about the webinar posted on the forum) to ask any questions you have.

Details on train/test set data format? page is loading…