A quick request: could the organizers release longer upstream & downstream sequences appearing before & after the 80 bp randomized sequence? 1000 bp upstream & 1000 bp downstream would likely be sufficient for yeast. Rationale: Several interactions controlling eukaryotic transcription rate involve sequences appearing upstream and downstream from the core promoter region. Some factors also bind to sites with rather large footprints (e.g. nucleosomes bind to a 159-bp region). It's possible (and likely) that the 80-bp varied region will create or modify factor binding sites that extend further upstream/downstream into the constant regions. Providing much longer constant regions will allow models to encompass these interactions with predictions that are more likely to generalize across the sequence space. Thank you in advance!

Created by H S Szrack
Thank you!
Great idea! I have uploaded two files: 1. A [GenBank Vector Map](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn30026262) for the expression vector we used, with elements in the vector annotated. 2. [A .txt file](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn30026260) containing the sequence (but no annotations). In both cases, there is a stretch of 80 Ns in a row to indicate the location of the N80 library. Also note that this is an episomal vector, so the sequence is circular.

Longer Upstream and Downstream (constant) DNA sequences? page is loading…