Dear Committee, Thank you for proposing the great event. I would like to ask about the details of prizes (e.g. numbers of winners), and the rules of named authors in the challenge manuscript (In some previous challenges, top performers would be named authors, and other participants submitting a short report detailing their approach manuscript would be in byline as the 'XXX Challenge Community.' Is it also true for this challenge?) Thank you very much. Best regards, Robin

Created by Chih-Han Huang Chih-Han
Thank you very much!
Hi @Chih-Han This is described under point 9 in the DREAM rules, found [here](!Synapse:syn10144147/wiki/448310). Copied here for your reference: ``` a. Monetary awards, if applicable, will be awarded only to Challenge Participants who are at or above the age of majority in their jurisdiction or residence. If a winner is a minor, any monetary award will be given to the Challenge Participant?s parent or guardian. b. When applicable, publication authorship byline(s) will be awarded to the top-performing Challenge Team(s) in good standing (i.e., that submit and make publicly available their final Entry(ies) and any write-up, code or other requirement of a particular Challenge). With respect to the winning Team(s), only the names of the registered Team Members and any affiliated Lab Head or Principal Investigator will be listed as co-authors in the byline of the Challenge publication. Challenge organizers reserve the right to organize the publication authorship and contribution list. c. Best performance in a Challenge does not automatically translate into first or last authorship in the byline for the members of the best performing team. Usually the first and last positions of the byline are reserved to the main organizers and/or data contributors in recognition of their efforts in organizing or providing the data for the Challenge and for taking a leadership role in writing the paper. In order for best performers to also be co-first or co-corresponding author, their contribution must be fundamental to the paper and above the expected method write up, such as doing additional analysis to strengthen the publication or contributing to the writing of the manuscript. d. All non-best performer participants in good standing (i.e., that submit and make publicly available their final Entry(ies)) will be added as a member of the Challenge Consortium, and will appear in the byline as 'DREAM Challenge Consortium', or similar denomination. The identity of the participants in this Consortium will be listed at the end of the paper: the listing of Consortium members is searchable in PubMed as ?Collaborators?. e. Should the members of a team decide not to be included as a byline or consortium co-author or Collaborator in a paper, these members grant permission for their methods to be mentioned and described in the paper in relation to its methodological and performance contributions to the Challenge. f. Prize awards are subject to verification of eligibility and compliance with these Official Rules. All decisions of DREAM/Sage and the Challenge Organizers will be final and binding on all matters relating to the Challenge. g. If best performers are unable to accept awards, awards will be distributed to next best performers provided they have satisfied all the requirements for the final scoring round and are in good standing for the Challenge. ```

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