Hello everyone, we are allowing submissions on the public leaderboard from today. If you don't remember your exact team name, send me an email. [abdulmuntakim(dot)rafi(at)ubc(dot)ca] And use this thread to ask any questions you have about the leaderboard. Leaderboard link: [bit.ly/DREAM_2022_Leaderboard](http://bit.ly/DREAM_2022_Leaderboard) Instructions to submit to the leaderboard: [[available here](https://github.com/de-Boer-Lab/DREAM-2022/blob/main/How%20to%20submit%20predictions%20to%20the%20public%20leaderboard.pdf)] Please save the performance of your submissions as the feature to track previous submissions is not available right now.

Created by Abdul Muntakim Rafi muntakimrafi
Hello everyone, we now have a static leaderboard from the submissions made at the first stage of the competition. [link same as before] Evaluation of the final submissions on the private leaderboard is ongoing.
Thank you, guys. I am recovered, and we will start the evaluation phase within days.
Indeed! Wish you a speedy recovery!
I am certain everyone here is heartily wishing you a prompt and safe recovery. Keep safe!
Sorry that I am not able to attend to the leaderboard or confirmation emails regarding submissions as I got covid pretty bad. I will address these issues as soon as I make some recovery.
The leaderboard is currently down. Do you plan to make it available again (e.g. as a static page) after the final submission deadline?
The leaderboard is closed for submissions now. Based on the final day submissions, I will keep one running. If any team didn't make any submission on the final day, they can submit **only one of their previous predictions** just so their team name shows on the final leaderboard of the first stage of the competition. [submission is capped at one per team. As I have added submission files of teams who submitted on the final day, they can't submit anymore.]
The leaderboard will be open for another 1 hour and 45 minutes.
The final day leaderboard is available now.
Meanwhile if signed up in the leaderboard after July 27, you have to sign up again (instead of signing in).
The leaderboard crashed (for the first time in the competition) ~3 hours ago due to traffic. It reset itself to its last saved state of July 27. I can reset it to yesterday's state. But with the new reset (final day) due in 8 hours, not gonna do that. I will reduce the allowed submissions on the final day to 10. I would also request everyone not submit predictions for all test sequences. It requires 10X space for the leaderboard to save the data.
Week 7 leaderboard is available now.
Thanks! We can now log into the leaderboard.
Week 6 leaderboard is available now.
@chenk Your team was not included in the last week's leaderboard as you filled up the form on 16th July. You will be able to sign up on this week's leaderboard. Mail me if you face any problems.
Hello, thanks for organizing the competition. I have trouble registering our team for the challenge and submitting predictions to the leaderboard. I have tried to create new team and register the new team for the challenge for several times but the webpage keeps showing "Register you Team". register Moreover, we cannot submit our predictions to the leaderboard. After clicking "This is my first login", filling in our group name and pressing enter, nothing happens. Thank you in advance for your kind help.
Week 5 leaderboard is available now.
Thanks, I completed the form.
@jgburk Please fill up the [form](https://forms.gle/C2DBxDSnr1bx7FGh7). If you do it today, you can submit predictions on next week's leaderboard with your team name. If there's any problem, please send me an email.
It looks like my team name is "jgburk_team" but nothing happens after I type it into the "Username:" field. Will I have to wait for another leaderboard update? Would it be working for me tomorrow?
Week 4 leaderboard is available now.
@muntakimrafi now it's OK. Thanks!
@penzard can you email me an screenshot of the error? Thanks.
Got 403 trying to sumbit
Week 3 leaderboard is available now.
@Byeongchan please fill up the TRC quota request [form](https://forms.gle/C2DBxDSnr1bx7FGh7) We refresh leaderboards weekly. The next 20 submission window will be from June 29 to July 05.
Thank you for your polite answer in advance. I have a 2 question 1. I wanted to submit my json file. but In [ bit.ly/DREAM_2022_Leaderboard] After checking the 'this is my first login' box, nothing happens despite writing the team name in the Username field. Are only team leaders allowed to submit? 2. I was told that the opportunity to submit is 20 times a week per team. If so, on what day of the week will the opportunity to submit it be reset? I know you are busy, but thank you in advance for your kind reply.
The leaderboard is available now.
Sorry everyone. We got additional resource allocation from streamlit yesterday. So I took the app offline yesterday for a reset. I wanted to email everyone the complete list of rules (can dos and can't dos) before opening this week's leaderboard. I will open it in a couple of hours.
@muntakimrafi Is there an ETA for when the app should be back online?
@mtinti Ah, good to know is offline. Thanks.
@Xiaoting.Chen, the app is just off line, victim of the last update I guess :-D
"You do not have access to this app or it does not exist" as the leaderboard page says when trying to login. What's this new streamlit login thing starting from yesterday, and what email need to be used?
Dear Moderators, I can't view the Leaderboard(whether I logged in github account or google account). Could you help me solve this question? Thank you in advance.
@susbo added the date on the leaderboard.
Thanks for the reply @muntakimrafi, I meant what day and time the weekly resets will happen. Perhaps the submission page could just state when the current submission week will end?
@mtinti I will share that information somewhere. btw I just fixed the message that everyone receives after submission.
Can we plese have the scores from the previous weeks avaiable somewere?
If I need to reset a leaderboard in the middle of a week, I stop the public access, make necessary changes in the code, and then reboot the app. And after each week we will have a fresh leaderboard [Scores from the previous weeks will not be displayed]. @susbo
Thank you for getting this going! Could you please clarify when the leaderboard resets are going to happen?
Thanks a lot for identifying this @mtinti. It happened when I pushed a change to sort based on ScorePearsonR^2^ instead of PearsonR^2^. I will have to reboot the app to fix this. Will do it tomorrow afternoon [it's past midnight here. And tomorrow I am booked till noon].
I think the green message at the bottom of the leaderboard has the scores switched, same order as the old leaderboard...
@visze I pushed a change to the leaderboard. You should be able to sign up now. Let me know if it works. @mtinti I previously included an option for everyone to download the scores for all submissions of their teams. It was working when I tested the app on my PC but didn't work in the cloud. I have yet to what the problem was. I will take a look at the sorting thing.
Hi @muntakimrafi, great job with getting the leaderbord up and running! a couple of suggestions: adding a sorting button to the score columns tracks name and score of each submission best, Michele
Hi Rafi our team name is too long (max 30 chars are allowed). It does not work with the shorter version of it Can you modify it that we can login with the first word of the team (everything before - ) Thanks a lot!
which mail address is best to use? nevermind... found in the discussions...
@hahajjjun can you send me an email?
Hi, Thank you for organizing a good competition. I am using the team name MARS_genomics, but there seems to be a problem logging in.. Thanks for the help!
@mtinti Can you email me?
Hi, thanks for this! can you give me an hand please for the first login step, I'm using biodundee as team name but it seems not working... thanks!

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