Hello everyone, I am excited to share some good news with you. TPU Research Cloud will award the winning teams (top 3) of the challenge 6 months of additional TPU quota to help with their own research. The quota will consist of 5 TPU v3-8s, 5 TPU v2-8s, and 100 preemptible TPU v2-8s. You will also get the opportunity to test out TPU pods through preemptible access!! And the other teams who are participating in the challenge and using TPUs to prepare their submission package can apply for an extension of the TPU quota through an application where you have to specify how you will utilize the TPUs for your research. The TRC team will review the application.

Created by Abdul Muntakim Rafi muntakimrafi

If you win, you may not have to fit your model to your resources [for 6 months] page is loading…