Hello everyone, 1. We are nearing the end of the competition (3 and a half weeks left). Therefore, we are going to stop providing TPU resources to new registrants. We currently have 98 teams of 250+ researchers from 75+ academic institutions and companies. 2. Your existing TPU quota is set to expire on August 1st. You won't be able to access the resource after this date. So please make sure you have downloaded everything you need by July 31st.

Created by Abdul Muntakim Rafi muntakimrafi
I tried v3-8 and v2-8 and both of those fail at the creation step. I looked at the pdf but I was doing everything through the console also because the area are wrong in the pdf. I will try it from bash and see if that will succeed.
I don't think so. The reason could be that there are not many TPUs available for use right now and you are not able to create a TPU VM. Are you following the steps mentioned [here](https://github.com/de-Boer-Lab/DREAM-2022/blob/main/TRC%20tutorial.pdf)? I have two suggestions. 1. If you can not get a v3-8, try requesting v2-8s. 2. You can also write a bash script to make repeated requests so that you get one when any TPU is freed. However, make sure your bash script terminates after you get one TPU and it does not keep requesting more than you need.
Hi, We got approved for TPU quotas on July 6th but we are have not been able to access the VM. The creation step fails. Do you think the two facts are related?

Exisiting TPU quota is set to expire on August 1st - New teams won't be provided TPU quota anymore page is loading…