Predicting gene expression using millions of random promoter sequences


Created By Abdul Muntakim Rafi muntakimrafi

Leaderboard feedback
Is my model an ensemble?
Sharing Model Performance
Heading into the last week: some important announcements
Final submission rules?
Would changing the final distribution be allowed for our model?
clarification regarding backup slots in the leaderboard
Semisupervised learning
Format of short report
Exisiting TPU quota is set to expire on August 1st - New teams won't be provided TPU quota anymore
submission registration error? Bad 'setIn' index 4 (should be between [0, 3])
How do I create reproducible results during model development?
If you win, you may not have to fit your model to your resources [for 6 months]
Cloud TPU feedback
Deadline of submitting short report
Incentives of the challenge
Biochem/transformer model description
GPRA sort-by-expression: How are bins defined?
TRC Access?
TRC usage tutorial
[Request] Can we have the original expression bins?
Team matchmaking
How to register as a team?
Longer Upstream and Downstream (constant) DNA sequences?
Do not send emails to
Length of the random insert in the training data
Fill up this form to request TRC access
Webinar | May 2nd 2022 | 10 AM PST
Details on train/test set data format?

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