Join us for the first MICCAI SIG for Challenges Webinar How to win a challenge? on July 14th, 2022 at 1pm GMT (9am EDT, 3pm CEST, 9pm CST). Free registration is available at This webinar series ? jointly organized by the MICCAI SIG for Challenges and MICCAI Student Board ? aims to educate medical imaging researchers on how to successfully participate in and conduct challenges. A particular focus will be placed on issues of quality control and validation using appropriate metrics from the organizers? and participants? points of view. The first webinar of the series on ?How to win a challenge? features the invited speakers: Dr. Fabian Isensee has consistently enabled the translation of state-of-the-art algorithms into real-world applications, represented by nnU-Net, the de-facto standard for segmentation in the medical domain. The methods he developed have won multiple international segmentation competitions. Dr. James Howard is an academic cardiologist who has published numerous research papers using AI to interpret X-rays, cardiac ultrasound, ECG, MRI and cardiac pressure waveforms. He has participated in several Kaggle competitions, including the Deepfake Detection Challenge, where he won a gold medal and a $40,000 prize, against 2,200 other teams. Webinar agenda: 9:00-9:10am EDT, Introduction of MICCAI SIG for Challenges, Prof. Lena Maier-Hein 9:10-9:30am EDT, Dr. Fabian Isensee 9:30-9:50am EDT, Dr. James Howard 9:50-10:10am EDT, Q&A with panel discussion About SIG for Challenges The mission of the MICCAI Special Interest Group (SIG) for Challenges is to establish best practices for the community, take a leading role in method benchmarking, and provide assistance in challenge-related aspects. More information about the SIG is at Follow us on twitter @ bias_sig, @ MiccaiStudents Webinar Organizing Committee: Representatives from SIG for challenges: Pingkun Yan, Annika Reinke, Lena Maier-Hein Student board members: Camila Gonzalez, Ahmed Nebli, Bo Zhou ![poster](

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