Dear @SimCol2022Participants, our test data is now online! It consists of 16 trajectories in total. There are 9 synthetic trajectories: 3 for each of the two training anatomies, and 3 for a new and unseen anatomy. Additionally, there are 7 sequences from three different real procedures. The procedures are called 082, 084, and 086. There are three sub-sequences each for 082 and 084, and one sub-sequence for procedure 086. Important: Note that the real data is hosted on the EndoMapper project page! To get access you do have to go through EndoMapper's approval process. Your request should be processed within 48h. If there are any issues with the access please notify the SimCol organizers immediately. The easiest way is through the project Slack channel. Examples for the correct output formats can be found on our project [GitHub]( page. As the deadlines are approaching soon, please do not hesitate to contact us on Slack, we are determined to answer any questions as soon as possible!

Created by Anita Rau anitarau

Test data now online page is loading…