I'm interested in analyzing the data from MEP-LINCS. How can I get the most recent data?

Created by Kenneth Daily kdaily
For complete details, see the [How to Download](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn2862345/wiki/394651) Wiki page.   The data from a release can be downloaded in bulk using one of the Synapse clients (`R`, `Python`, command line, or `Java`). All files are annotated and queries can be performed to find those that are desired. For example, to get the Level 4 files for currently available data using the [command line client](http://docs.synapse.org/python/CommandLineClient.html):   ``` synapse login --rememberMe synapse get -q "SELECT id FROM file WHERE projectId=='syn2862345' AND Level==4" ```   For more information on how to use the Synapse clients for downloading data, see the Synapse [user guide for downloading data](http://docs.synapse.org/articles/downloading_data.html).

How do I download data from the current data release? page is loading…