I am interested in either ligands, ECM proteins or their combinations that inhibit or promote cells to grow and divide.
Created by Mark Dane MarkDane There is now a short series of videos that describe the proliferation signal and how to mine it for interesting MEPs. The videos begin with an experiment overview.
The MEP-LINCS dataset uses the proportion of cells that are synthesizing copies of their DNA (S Phase) as a measure of proliferation. During the last hour of the assay, cells in S phase incorporate EdU into their DNA. During imaging the proportion of S phase cells in each spot population is calculated and summarized across its replicates.
The proportion of cells that are proliferating in a population are shown in a [beta-version dashboard](https://dane.shinyapps.io/ProliferationDashboard/) and in figures and tables in the cell line Analysis report. Specific figures in the report are titled "Proliferation Boxplots", "Proliferation vs Spot Cell Count Scatterplot" and "Lineage vs. Proliferation Scatterplot". The MEP Level interactive datatables can be ordered by proliferation and filtered by ligand, ECM protein or both to show specific proliferation values. These can be used to define a set of perturbations with extreme proliferation values.
The cell line level analysis reports are available here: MCF10A syn7186843, HMEC122L syn7186831 and HMEC240L syn7186833.
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