Allen Alzheimer's and dementia - the journal of the Alzheimer's Association 2016 (Pubmed ID 27079753)


Created By Abby Vander Linden abby.vanderlinden

DOI: 10.1016/j.jalz.2016.02.006
year: 2016
grant: U01AG046152
title: Crowdsourced estimation of cognitive decline and resilience in Alzheimer's disease.
Program: AMP-AD
authors: Allen GI Amoroso N Anghel C Balagurusamy V Bare CJ Beaton D Bellotti R Bennett DA Boehme KL Boutros PC Caberlotto L Caloian C Campbell F Chaibub Neto E Chang YC Chen B Chen CY Chien TY Clark T Das S Davatzikos C Deng J Dillenberger D Dobson RJ Dong Q Doshi J Duma D Errico R Erus G Everett E Fardo DW Friend SH Frohlich H Gan J St George-Hyslop P Ghosh SS Glaab E Green RC Guan Y Hong MY Huang C Hwang J Ibrahim J Inglese P Iyappan A Jiang Q Katsumata...
journal: Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association
pubdate: 2016 Jun
pubmed_id: 27079753
entity_name: Allen Alzheimer's and dementia - the journal of the Alzheimer's Association 2016 (Pubmed ID 27079753)

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