Abreha Proteomics 2018 (Pubmed ID 30230243)


Created By Abby Vander Linden abby.vanderlinden

DOI: 10.1002/pmic.201800108
year: 2018
grant: U01AG046161 RF1AG057471 RF1AG057470
title: Quantitative Analysis of the Brain Ubiquitylome in Alzheimer's Disease.
Program: AMP-AD M2OVE-AD
authors: Abreha MH Dammer EB Ping L Zhang T Duong DM Gearing M Lah JJ Levey AI Seyfried NT
journal: Proteomics
pubdate: 2018 Oct
pubmed_id: 30230243
entity_name: Abreha Proteomics 2018 (Pubmed ID 30230243)

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