

Created By Robert Allaway allawayr

age: 62
sex: Female
assay: RNA-seq
tissue: primary tumor
ageUnit: years
species: Homo sapiens
studyId: syn11374339
cellType: schwann
dataType: dataIndex
platform: Illumina NovaSeq 6000
aliquotID: s8_rna.tgcactaggc-accagaagta.hc5gydsx3_tgcactaggc-accagaagta_l002
diagnosis: Neurofibromatosis type 1
studyName: Genetic Studies of Neurofibromatosis
tumorType: Cutaneous Neurofibroma
fileFormat: bai
initiative: Cutaneous Neurofibroma Initiative
isStranded: None
specimenID: icNF97.2b
dataSubtype: processed
libraryPrep: rRNAdepletion
nf1Genotype: -/-
nf2Genotype: Unknown
individualID: UF470
resourceType: experimentalData
fundingAgency: NTAP
isPrimaryCell: FALSE
modelSystemName: icNF97.2b
parentSpecimenID: UF470 T2
nucleicAcidSource: bulk cell
progressReportNumber: 6
libraryPreparationMethod: KAPA RNA HyperPrep Kit with RiboErase (HMR)
specimenPreparationMethod: Fresh collected

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