Hi everyone, I've posted the recording of Erin Wetsel's great talk on the [Curriculum](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn29616137/wiki/617441) page. Please feel free to use this forum for further discussion - and we can pass along any additional questions you might have for Erin. I've also posted an interesting patient-related [video](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn31951469) in the Resources folder under Files. Erin McGee Ferrell is an artist who has produced a [series of works](https://www.artistamerican.com/breast-cancer-art) about her experience as a breast cancer survivor. Erin sent us a video of her recent interview with a Brooklyn anthrolopogist who is studying women's perceptions of their bodies after mastectomy. In the interview, Erin shares her art and discusses each piece in the context of her experience. I haven't watched the whole video yet, but Erin also sent a heads-up that she removes her shirt near the end of the video (about 01:21:00-01:24:00) to show the interviewer her reconstructed breasts.

Created by Pierrette Lo lopierra

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