Hi all - the working group that Diana mentioned today - Navigating Cancer with Science and Art - is meeting next Tuesday, June 21. You are all welcome to attend - see info below. --- Dear CSBC / PS-ON NCSA Working Group Members, This is a reminder of the June working group call, scheduled for **Tuesday, June 21st at 10AM PT / 1PM ET**. Please see below for the agenda and Zoom joining information. Please note that there is an article linked in the agenda and attached to this email that we are asking that you read in advance. **Agenda:** * Announcements * Intro Presentations: Diana Murray, Amber Nelson * Presentation from Armond Dorsey * Discussion of Art and Artificial Intelligence - Please read this article in advance https://www.americanscientist.org/article/ai-is-blurring-the-definition-of-artist **Please join via Zoom:** https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88399392148?pwd=a1V5TjUrWjlFc0FTN1hJVGpKRnhzUT09 Meeting ID: 883 9939 2148 Passcode: 604424 Or find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdtwxn4EuCPassword: Questions about CSBC / PS-ON Working Groups? Contact sage-csbc-pson@sagebase.org. For news and updates, join our CSBC Workspace or PS-ON Workspace on Slack.

Created by Pierrette Lo lopierra

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