Hey, @2022CSBCPSONminiDREAMParticipants! @jaciah asked if any of the models I've built or worked with were publicly available. These are all pretty old (from my grad school days or before), and are typically available either as Matlab data or in spreadsheets... I've since become a bigger proponent of reproducible research, so I tend to work more in R and Python ? and try my best to make materials available through GitHub, Synapse, and other platforms ? but I also don't do much modeling anymore. :) Anyway, the examples below might be interesting to check out, especially if they seem relevant to your own research. Some of the different modeling approaches I covered this morning are also described in [this review article](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3157287/), which I helped write early on in grad school. **Paper:** [Dynamic Analysis of Integrated Signaling, Metabolic, and Regulatory Networks](https://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000086) This is actually something I worked on as an undergrad at UVA. I was responsible for piecing together the signaling portion of the model, based on the HOG pathway in yeast. I believe the details (and hopefully code) should be available in the supplemental materials. I had worked some other signaling pathway models (including one for mTOR) and an ODE model for influenza infection ? but that was unfortunately way before I knew GitHub was a thing... **Paper:** [Reconstruction of genome-scale metabolic models for 126 human tissues using mCADRE](https://bmcsystbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1752-0509-6-153) My lab mate, Yuliang, and I developed this tool to derive tissue-specific metabolic models based on gene expression data. The code and some example models are in [this GitHub repo](https://github.com/jaeddy/mcadre). **GitHub repo:** [u87Recon](https://github.com/jaeddy/u87Recon) I worked on this project for a few years in grad school, but never quite finished it. The intention was to build and study a model of metabolism specific to the U87 glioblastoma (brain cancer) cell line, incorporating various forms of evidence to tailor the global human metabolic reconstruction model. **Paper:** [Identifying Tightly Regulated and Variably Expressed Networks by Differential Rank Conservation (DIRAC)](https://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000792) Not a model itself, but DIRAC was a method I helped develop in grad school for identifying "dysregulated" pathways, which then effectively served as statistical models for predicting or classifying differences between cancer types and other diseases. Code and documentation can be found in [this GH repo](https://github.com/jaeddy/mcadre). I'm happy to chat more if anyone has questions, or just if you want to talk science! -James

Created by James Eddy jaeddy

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