MGH lines sent to UNC.xls


Created By Timothy Stuhlmiller tjstu

assay: MIB/MS
species: Human
cellType: CRISPR arachnoid, primary meningioma, meningioma
dataType: kinomics
diagnosis: Neurofibromatosis 2
tumorType: Meningioma
consortium: Synodos
fileFormat: excel
isCellLine: TRUE
dataSubtype: metadata
nf1Genotype: unknown
nf2Genotype: +/+,-/-
individualID: Syn1,Syn2,Syn3,Syn4,Syn5,Syn6,Syn8,Syn10,Syn11
resourceType: experimentalData
fundingAgency: CTF
cellLineMetadataSynId: syn3275123
specimenMetadataSynId: syn5569975

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