Dear @CMRxMotionChallengeParticipants , The docker image submission system has been open since 15 August 2022. Prior to this, an email containing the Project ID, username, and password was sent to all teams on 14 August with the subject " [CMRxMotion] Docker submission platform will be open". If you have not received this email, please check your trash folder (Use the email address registered on or send an email to or We will send your information again. About docker image and your private repository. - The final ranking will depend on the performance of your docker image on an unseen test set. - Only registered teams could submit the docker image. [how to register](!Synapse:syn32407769/wiki/618243) - Each team has a private repository for committing Docker images that only team members can access. Other teams cannot access this repository. All teams can access only the public repository that we provide. - For docker image submitting and details, please follow the following instructions. (!Synapse:syn32407769/wiki/618244) Please contact us or post in this discussion forum if you have any questions. Best regards, Kang Wang [On behalf of the CMRxMotion challenge organizing team]

Created by CMRxMotion

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