I'm not sure who to direct this to, and I'll try emailing other people directly: Our institution (Drexel University) submitted the NCATS N3C data use agreement form two weeks ago (Oct. 6) and received an auto-reply. Since then, we have heard nothing, and inquires by our contract officer receive no response. Do you know if there is someone we can reach out to? The form was signed without any changes, and it was our understanding that this is a pretty standard procedure that many other institutions have done. Thank you.

Created by Bahrad Sokhansanj bahrad
Thank you for your response! After emailing the second address, we actually got a quick response from an individual. While they told us that they couldn't help us, shortly after we complained to them that we'd tried the other suggested methods but had been ignored, we magically got the signed approval we needed! Best of luck in the competition.
Hi, from my own experience, we emailed the DUA to this email: NCATSPartnerships@mail.nih.gov according to https://covid.cd2h.org/duas Then we got their reply the next business day. We also ask for help to NCATSAuthSupport@mail.nih.gov after requesting access to the N3C Enclave. Hope it helps!

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