Hi! I have created a concept set in the concept set browser and I would like to import the concept set as a dataset into my code workbook so that I can join and filter based on my identified concepts. How should I go about doing this? Thank you!

Created by Sarah Pungitore uastudent
Hi @uastudent, Here are the steps for using the concept sets. 1. Go to your concept set in the concept set browser. Find the `codeset_id` and copy it. 2. Go to your code workbook and `Import dataset`. Go to the `Data Catalog` tab, go to the `OMOP Code Sets` folder, and import the [concept_set_members](https://unite.nih.gov/workspace/data-integration/dataset/preview/ri.foundry.main.dataset.e670c5ad-42ca-46a2-ae55-e917e3e161b6/master) table. 3. You can find your concept set in the concept_set_members table by using the query `SELECT * FROM concept_set_members WHERE codeset_id=[your codeset id]` 4. You'll then do an inner merge with your domain table on the results. **Example**: ``` SELECT DISTINCT tab.* FROM condition_occurrence tab INNER JOIN ( SELECT concept_id FROM concept_set_members WHERE codeset_id=[your codeset id] ) AS c ON c.concept_id=tab.condition_concept_id ``` Hope this helps! @trberg

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