Created By
Robert Allaway allawayr
sex: Female
assay: RNA-seq
tissue: primary tumor
species: Homo sapiens
dataType: AlignedReads
platform: Illumina HiSeq 2500
workflow: STAR and Salmon
Component: RNASeqTemplate
aliquotID: 8t_RNA
diagnosis: Not Applicable
tumorType: Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor
fileFormat: bam
isCellLine: No
specimenID: 8t_RNA
totalReads: 116357720
dataSubtype: processed
nf1Genotype: Unknown
nf2Genotype: Unknown
individualID: SRP046943_8
resourceType: experimentalData
workflowLink: https://nf-co.re/rnaseq/3.7/output#star-and-salmon
isPrimaryCell: No
genomicReference: GRCh38
parentSpecimenID: 8t_RNA
averageInsertSize: 1097.2
averageReadLength: 49
averageBaseQuality: 37.4
readsMappedPercent: 100
pairsOnDifferentChr: 0
readsDuplicatedPercent: 23.5501546438002
specimenPreparationMethod: Flash frozen
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