Germline Genomic Variants - DeepVariant Pipeline (from syn31715607)


NF-OSI processed datasets of variant calls
Created By Anh Nguyet Vu avu

title: Germline Genomic Variants - DeepVariant Pipeline
series: NF-OSI Processed Data
creator: NF-OSI
studyId: syn11638893
dataType: genomicVariants
description: Germline variants data processed from WGS data from the project Development of a Preclinical NF1-MPNST Platform Suitable for Precision Oncology Drug Discovery and Evaluation for the NF-OSI Processing Initiative
diseaseFocus: Neurofibromatosis type 1
fundingAgency: NTAP
manifestation: Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor
yearProcessed: 2022
yearPublished: 2022

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