Dear Dr Thompson and Pushkala, I am writing to request your help with metadata for a Somascan dataset.!Synapse:syn35874678 Synapse | Sage Bionetworks Synapse is a platform for supporting scientific collaborations centered around shared biomedical data sets. Our goal is to make biomedical research more transparent, more reproducible, and more accessible to a broader audience of scientists. Synapse serves as the host site for a variety of scientific collaborations, individual research projects, and DREAM challenges. I am unable to find the correct metadata file for GSE225349_non-normalized_counts_covid_only. The associated metadata file somalogic_covid19_only_metadata_deid does not have any info on Age/Gender/COVID Status/Severity. Also, the counts table has 1104 samples, whereas the metadata file has 1118 samples. Could you please upload/email the correct metadata file for this counts table? I do not know coding, and would really appreciate your help with this! I am posting this here because my emails to your synapse IDs are getting bounced back Thank you! pradeep Pradeep Ramalingam Assistant Professor (Research) Dept of Heme/Onc University of Florida

Created by Pradeep Ramalingam p.ramalingam
Thank you for the clarification. Appreciate the quick response! Best, pradeep
Hello, If the metadata file has extra samples, you can just ignore them and only use the samples that are present in both the data and metadata. As for demographics and other information, you can get those from the clinical_and_metadata folder of the COVID-19 Biobank:!Synapse:syn35876735. The Sampleid column of the Somascan metadata table should match the Blood_Sample_ID column in the blood sample metadata table. Hope that helps, Ryan Thompson P.S. I also sent this reply _via_ email, but I'm posting it here so it is publicly viewable.

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