I am seeing the following error using the example preprocessing scripts. Did anyone else encounter the same? Row id: 28 has been changed since last read. Please get the latest value for this row and then attempt to update it again.

Created by Prasad Chodavarapu chprasad
Re-re-started. These errors will continue until we get our fix in place. The code done and we are working on the release now.
still failed with same error with your submission
@gyuanfan; Done! (Submission ID 7383306)
Row id: 19 has been changed since last read. Please get the latest value for this row and then attempt to update it again. can you please restart?
> Is the fix still in progress or in place? The former.
I've just received this same error from a submission started before the weekend. Is the fix still in progress or in place? Meanwhile I have resubmitted as 7373553. Thank you in advance
@gyuanfan: I have requeued submissions 7359952 and 7360755.
i have the same problem, i already resubmitted twice, and it didn't auto-correct. Row id: 19 has been changed since last read. Please get the latest value for this row and then attempt to update it again.
The fix is still in progress. In the meantime I've started the job (7344221) again. Thanks for your patience.
Bruce: Thanks for retrying but I am sorry to report that I received the same error message once again. Can you please look into it once more? Your Submission to the Digital Mammography challenge, docker.synapse.org/syn7272726/dm-caffe-pre@sha256:17c511335dd642bb4c680820aad5a64024515e1704cc5b04d00d0aa21a774d3c, has stopped before completion. The message is: Row id: 25 has been changed since last read. Please get the latest value for this row and then attempt to update it again. Thanks Prasad
I have restarted the failed model. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Bruce (and rest of the challenge admins): I retried and got the same error again. Your Submission to the Digital Mammography challenge, docker.synapse.org/syn7272726/dm-caffe-pre@sha256:17c511335dd642bb4c680820aad5a64024515e1704cc5b04d00d0aa21a774d3c, has stopped before completion. The message is: Row id: 25 has been changed since last read. Please get the latest value for this row and then attempt to update it again. Can you see why your fix has not worked? Thanks Prasad
All: This is not an error in your code but rather an error in the underlying system. The correction is in progress. In the meantime you are free to resubmit your entry.
I encountered a similar error while running my own preprocessing script: "Row id: 2 has been changed since last read. Please get the latest value for this row and then attempt to update it again."

Error during preprocessing with example scripts page is loading…