I'm still getting the authentication error. I understand the problem with naming. I thought we could create our own workspace, but we need to use one of the ones you created. So I've done that. This is what I'm getting: ``` $ docker login docker.synapse.org Username (username): username Password: Login Succeeded $ docker push docker.synapse.org/synXXXXXX/dm-python-example The push refers to a repository [docker.synapse.org/synXXXXXX/dm-python-example] a8a7243b6877: Layer already exists 70699cfef3f1: Layer already exists de611d810657: Layer already exists 47cf8c360ccd: Layer already exists 4697a3a78b1c: Layer already exists dcdbb034deda: Layer already exists 53ad72233c22: Layer already exists 2ab3bce6e3ea: Layer already exists e40191ba235d: Layer already exists 2101d3c01933: Layer already exists 751f5d9ad6db: Layer already exists 17587239b3df: Layer already exists 9e63c5bce458: Layer already exists unauthorized: authentication required ```

Created by Peter Brooks fustbariclation
@ltang: I think we resolved this question elsewhere. (The issue was that you had to become a "Synapse Certified User" before being allowed to "docker push".) If you need further assistance to resolve this issue, please let me know.
Hi, I'm experiencing the same problem, my project ID is syn7428675, what seems to be the problem?
Please post the project ID (synxxx) that you are trying to push to. We will then investigate.

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