Hi, I'm having trouble running the pre-processing. I made a text file in my project with these two lines: preprocessing=docker.synapse.org/syn7268395/dm-python-preprocessing-example@sha256:77db01458ef31f4ef9117dacadf976f38d5431bd49e44fc83304d4c7b864e43b training=docker.synapse.org/syn7268395/dm-python-training-example@sha256:eadc45274677cc12f1f61570bbac390cc4937e9c9f73782d40c84e89784a0cd5 And I've shared those two docker images with user dmchallengeit. I've tried with a couple levels of access, from "Can view" to "Administrator". However whenever I submit the text file I eventually get a Submission failed with the error message: {"message":"unauthorized: authentication required"} How do I fix this?

Created by ken.sullivan
Oh now I see it, somewhere along the line I somehow switched caffe -> python. Seems obvious now, anyway thanks!
The repositories you list, syn7268395/dm-python-preprocessing-example and syn7268395/dm-python-training-example don't seem to exist. Did you forget to 'docker push' them?   ``` docker.synapse.org/syn7268395/dm-caffe-preprocessing-example Added On: 2016-10-03 11:05 docker.synapse.org/syn7268395/dm-python-example2 Added On: 2016-09-21 22:22 docker.synapse.org/syn7268395/dm-caffe-training-example Added On: 2016-10-03 11:08 docker.synapse.org/syn7268395/file_cnt Added On: 2016-09-22 16:45 docker.synapse.org/syn7268395/dm-python-example Added On: 2016-09-21 16:19 docker.synapse.org/syn7268395/dm-python-example-copy ```

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